thus Randal, Phil spake:

>>On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 16:24 +0100, Nigel Horne wrote:
>>>On Wednesday 04 May 2005 16:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>Man that never gets old. hahahaha.... not funny.
>>>>I have no control over this warning.
>>>Yes you do. Use a hotmail/yahoo/gmail account.
>>At our company, all webmail is blocked and policy forbids
>>it's use, as it is harder to scan those messages for viruses
>>(and the last time we got hit by a mass-mailing worm - Melisa - was
>>due to a person using web-mail.)
>>Any company paranoid to force a disclaimer on every mail
>>ought to similarly block webmail, if they have any intelligence.
> If they're forcing a legally dubious disclaimer on every email (at the
> bottom after it has been read, in particular), then that's the prima
> facie case for their lack of intelligence.

it's proving the lack of intelligence of lawyers, who don't understand
that there's a huge difference between their 'world' (viruses reading
this crap, frightening, and heading away of their' companies email
servers) and reality (nobody cares, just laughs). :D

> Cheers,
> Phil
> ----
> Phil Randal
> Network Engineer
> Herefordshire Council
> Hereford, UK


Timo Schoeler | | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
//macfinity -- finest IT services |
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