On Sun, Apr 24, 2005 at 07:30:56PM -0700, Dennis Peterson said:
> Mr Prince Simon said:
> > But when I run it thru the website, its not working.
> > i already added group apache to clamsv in the group
> > file
> > ---
> > apache:x:48:clamav
> > ---
> >
> > It has to be rights issue. but I have no idea where to
> > begin..
> >
> > thanks again for all your help
> >
> > Simon
> Is there any reason your web server would know where to find the clam
> binaries? Perhaps you need to fully qualify the path for everything. You
> may also need to include a library path in a very worst case.

clamscan runs as the user who invokes it, not as clamav.  That would be
clamdscan (note the d) that you're thinking of.  There is likely some
other issue going on.  I would suggest using the standard perl error
trapping mechanisms to isolate the problem.  Use some trap mechanism
($ret = system($command); print FILE $ret;, etc) and log to see what the
real problem is.
|  Stephen Gran                  | Home life as we understand it is no     |
|  [EMAIL PROTECTED]             | more natural to us than a cage is to a  |
|  http://www.lobefin.net/~steve | cockatoo.   -- George Bernard Shaw      |

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