Battaglia Andrea wrote:
I am trying to replace WebShield Antivirus with ClamAV, but there are some virus that clam is not able to capture. These virus in WebShield are called : NEWUNIX and Bagle!elm.gen.
Could you give me some information about these virus ?

NEWUNIX sounds like a generic / heuristic detection - if youŽre subscribed to security related lists like FD, youŽll receive mails that contain POC shellcode pretty often - this could be the cause.

Bagle!elm.gen is a typo and should be Bagle!eml.gen - this is a signature to catch the mailbody of the bagle worm. Some vendors added it ,to detect bagle mails with broken or missing attachment.

Best regards,
 Christoph                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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