Here is what I do know: (not much it looks like)
"clamav_socket" holds the full path to the clamd.sock file and is assignable in the config file.
"file_source" holds the full path (file name included) to the source file to be copied and is supplied by the calling function (copy_file[file_source,file_destin]).
the actual copy routine uses basic open/read/write/close functions to copy the file.
What I'd like to do is have the daemon (if it's running) scan the file and then copy it if it returns clean, unfortunately I have little experience using socket files to process anything so I'm looking for some assistance from someone who knows how to make this work.
Basically all I need is a function to process the file (something like "perform_filescan[file_source]"), returning "clean" or the virus name so I can either copy the file or, display an alert with the virus name that was detected.
Anyone have any experience in this area and willing to assist me?
-- Dale