Brad Morgan wanted us to know:

>>         --max-ratio=#n
>>                Set  maximum  archive compression ratio limit. 
>>                This option protects your system against DoS attacks
>>               (default: 250).
>I created the zip file myself so I don't think there's anything wrong
>with it.  It contains some binary files requested by the support people
>I'm working with on another issue.

It only takes _one_ file in the archive to be above the max ratio for it
to mark the whole archive.  If one of those binary files is a lot of
zeroes, then you have a very large compression ratio on that file.  I'd
extract it somewhere temporary and see what kind of compression it's
getting on all files in the archive.
Regards...              Todd
  We should not be building surveillance technology into standards.
  Law enforcement was not supposed to be easy.  Where it is easy, 
  it's called a police state.             -- Jeff Schiller on NANOG
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