[EMAIL PROTECTED](Samuel Benzaquen)  11.03.05 13:57

>> /tmp/clamav-178c630c01f4f986/usr/share/clamav-testfiles/clam.rar: 
>> ClamAV-Test-File FOUND
>> /tmp/clamav-235ce24142354262/usr/share/classpath/glibj.zip:  
>> Zip.ExceededFilesLimit FOUND

I wonder why these too pathes looks absolutely similar!

>My guess is that those are not *real* pathes, but pathes inside a
>tar.gz or something.
>If there where real there would be no reason to copy those files to

Sounds good, but how can get the info which real zip in invovled?

I saw somewhere, that simply the zip name is added as if would
be a directory or an URL.

Zip.ExceededFilesLimit FOUND
That's a zipname, the "path" should read:
pathto/realbase.zip/.../glibj.zip:  Zip.ExceededFilesLimit FOUND
                    ~~~ omitted the internal path as it can recontructed easily.

As those files are temporary i see no use in the "/tmp/clamav-fbb1808681386c40"
if i'm not in debugging mode.

Rainer---<=====>                         Vertraulich
         <=====>--------------ocholl, Kiel, Germany ------------


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