Wolfgang Cernohorsky wrote:
Our content checker found
banned name: P=p005,L=1,M=multipart/mixed | P=p003,L=1/2,M=application/octet-stream,T=exe,T=exe-ms,N=bartpe.xex
in email presumably from you (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>),
to the following recipient:

Maybe qr'(?# BLOCK Microsoft EXECUTABLES ) ^ (.*\t)? T=exe-ms (\t.*)? $'xm, # banned file(1) type is enabled in amavisd.conf?

Wolfgang... thanks!!

I feel silly for overlooking this, after going through the Amavis config several times. I didn't see where it was looking for file types separately. But that's exactly what I wanted!

In my case, the relevant line looked like this:
qr'^\.(exe-ms)$',                       # banned file(1) types

So thanks again for everyone's input.  Very helpful!

Jason Byrns
System Administrator, MicroLnk
402-328-8600 ext. 653

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