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Ted Fines wrote:
> --On Thursday, February 17, 2005 3:38 PM +0000 Nigel Horne
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thursday 17 Feb 2005 15:07, Tomasz Kojm wrote:
>>> On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 11:50:11 +0000 (GMT)
>>> Andy Fiddaman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> > Kind of.. there's a limit for how many times the mail scanner is
>>> > invoked, (such as for a message with zip containing message containing
>>> > zip containing message...), but not for mime recursion.. i.e.
>>> > parseEmailBody recurses through embedded MIME parts with no recursion
>>> > checking.
>>> I can't help you here as my knowledge on a mail structure is very
>>> limited. That limit and its implementation will have to be discussed
>>> with Nigel.
>> The recursive blocking was taken out some time ago after a LOT of
>> pressure
>> in this list and through personal emails (there used to be a hardcoded
>> limit of 10 recursions).
>> I am not about to start that argument again since it is the usual case of
>> clamAV developers are damned if we do and damned if we don't.
> I am not getting something here.  By recursive 'blocking' do you mean a
> limit on recursion (that's how I read it) or something else?  Tomasz
> seemed to indicate in a previous email that there is an email recursion
> limit set in Clam:
> ; There's already a recursion limit for mail scanning but it's not
> ; configurable (yet).
> and
> libclamav/scanners.c:#define MAX_MAIL_RECURSION  15
> I'm not trying to start any argument, either.  Just trying to understand
> how Clam actually works, given what appear to me to be two contradictory
> statements.
> I get that the previous 800k email I mentioned is actually 200 nested
> emails.  You are right about that and I missed it.  But if there is a
> recursion limit of 15, and let's even say Clam looks at the 15 biggest
> ones first, so they're all about 800.  That should still mean Clam would
> only need several seconds to scan through the first 15, then quit.  But
> it doesn't.  It takes much, much longer.
> That's where I'm coming from.  If mail recursion has a max setting, why
> does it take so long?  If it doesn't have one, what was Tomasz talking
> about?

In my opinion after reaching  (configurable and disabled by default) max
recursion limit clamav should return with error (or virus name?)
Oversized.Mail (or something like this).

Boguslaw Brandys
Version: GnuPG v1.4.0 (MingW32)
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