Sounds like the answer is "no"?
Christoph Cordes wrote:
Gary Weinfurther wrote:
Does ClamAv protect against W32.Spybot.IVQ, a worm with Denial of Service and Back Door capabilities?
This is not easy to answer - this Spybots/Mybots/Gaobots/Wootbots/SdBots come in many different flavours, packed and crypted with one or more runtimepackers. ClamAV is able to detect more than thousand variants - if it detects this one can only be told if we have a sample to test it.
The answer is "maybe". W32.Spybot.IVQ is no special thing - if you would ask "Is ClamAV able to detect Netsky.B | Bagle.F | Parite.B ?", i can give you a definitive answer - but W32.Spybot.IVQ - aka Wootbot.gen - there are too many variants that show a behaviour like the one described by Symantec to give you a better answer. Sorry. And i think if you ask Symantec "Is NAV able to detect Wootbot?" you wont get a definitive answer too.
-- Best regards, Christoph mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] _______________________________________________