On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 02:01:28 +0100 in

>  There were problems generating HTML documentation (probably due to
>  broken TeX installation in Debian). The tarball now includes
>  clamdoc.tex so you can try to generate it yourself with latex2html.

Tried it, lost of html output files, but also some other stuff that
wasn't there in 0.80/docs/html and:

[docs]$ more html/WARNINGS
No implementation found for style `pslatex'
No implementation found for style `url'
No implementation found for style `fancyhdr'
No implementation found for style `titlesec'
redefining command \email
previous meaning of \email will be lost
The clamdoc.aux file was not found, so sections will not be numbered
and cross-references will be shown as icons.

Is there a correct command for generating the html docs or the
clamdoc.aux file? I'm not very TeX literate I'm afraid....


Brian Morrison

bdm at fenrir dot org dot uk

GnuPG key ID DE32E5C5 - http://wwwkeys.uk.pgp.net/pgpnet/wwwkeys.html

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