> > i tired the following url form the http://www.clamav.net > > > > http://dag.wieers.com/packages/clamav/ > > http://filelister.linux-kernel.at/?current=/packages/SRPMS/ > > > > but they all fail with dependance errors. > > > > i only need to scan and block attachments. > > > > > > plz advice, im new to clamav. > > For a Postfix installation, I generally install the clamav, clamd, and > clamav-db RPMs and skip the -devel and -milter packages. That may help > your dependency problems. If not, what is it complaining about? > Dear Bill,
can you tell me what files should i download form http://dag.wieers.com/packages/clamav/ or http://filelister.linux-kernel.at/?current=/packages/SRPMS/ i have to following files downloaded but they all fail to install clamav-0.80-1.0.rh9.dag.i386.rpm clamd-0.80-2.0.rh9.rf.i386.rpm are they any order that i should do the installation ? plz advice, ------- Web Hosting at a cheap price, starting at $1 per month with your own domain, .COM, .NET, .LK, .ORG etc.. PHP, CGI, Perl, MySQL, Cpanel 9, POP3, POP3s, SMTP, IMAP, FTP, http://www.orbitsl.net _______________________________________________ http://lists.clamav.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/clamav-users