Sasa Stupar wanted us to know: >Guys, how do you make this stats? I am running Sendmail 8.13.1 on FC3 >with clamav-milter. Is there some settings on sendmail or Clamav?
cat /var/log/clamav/clamd.log | The is attached to this email. It's very very simple, no error checking, and no command line options. It could be added very easily though. -- Regards... Todd OS X: We've been fighting the "It's a mac" syndrome with upper management for years now. Lately we've taken to just referring to new mac installations as "Unix" installations when presenting proposals and updates. For some reason, they have no problem with that. -- /. Linux kernel 3 users, load average: 0.04, 0.11, 0.13
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; my %virus; while (<>) { if ( m#^.*\s([^\s]+)\sFOUND$# ) { $virus{$1}++; } } foreach (sort { $virus{$b} <=> $virus{$a} } keys %virus) { print "\n$_: $virus{$_}"; } print "\n";
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