I have installed clamav-0.80 according to the instructions contained in the "FairlySecureAnitVirusWiki" on a brand new box with OpenBSD 3.6.

Everything went well till I got the part where I Update the virus database. Upon issuing the command from the howto i.e.;

     chroot -u amavisd /var/amavisd /usr/bin/freshclam --log-verbose

the program complained it could not load, one by one the library files contained in /var/amavisd/usr/lib. I then located each of these librarys, copied them to /var/amavisd/user/lib and received no more complaints for the time being..

The next segment of this saga was to run the chroot command again as above and this time the program informed me that it "Can't change dir to /var/clamav.

Does anyone have an idea of how to fix/hack this so I can get on and use the server I'm putting together?



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