-----Original Message-----

I checked it too and everething is ok, except tests
nr. 24, 25 ( which are non-virus, anyway ).
We're running .80 on Gentoo.
[Mitch says:] 

24 & 25 could be stopped similar to how password protected zips are stopped
- not because they are viral, but because of a policy that allows us to
decide "If it ain't scannable I don't want it" - right?

24 - "multimessage segmented file trick" - as well as 25 - "clsid extension
used" could be prevented with optional tests... or perhaps blocked in some
sort of maildrop or procmail script.

I don't want to reignite the earlier battle about what clam should or
shouldn't do - but the zip test has proved useful to us, and it IS optional.
Something like these (assuming there are beasties in the wild taking
advantage of these flaws) could be nice additions...

Just my 2 cents.



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