well i'm completely lost.

i've tried something dirty : erase the links and compile zlib again.

at hte end of make i have the followong errors :

pkg_create: Overwriting /usr/pkg/lib/libz.so - pkg zlib-1.2.2
pkg_create: Overwriting /usr/pkg/lib/libz.so.1 - pkg zlib-1.2.2

and the links are recreated pointing to libz.so.1.0.2

I read in the clamav doc that zlib was only needed at compile time, and
since i updated zlib after clamav, i guess my update is useless. therefore
i'm recompiling clamav now, i'll see.

-----Message d'origine-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] la part de Trog
Envoye : jeudi 25 novembre 2004 12:21
A : ClamAV users ML
Objet : RE: [Clamav-users] clamscan 0.80 keeps dying with signal 11

On Thu, 2004-11-25 at 10:33, gregory duchesnes wrote:
> Well, that could be the problem :
> lrwxrwxr-x  1 root  wheel       13 Nov 25 10:28 libz.so -> libz.so.1.0.2
> lrwxrwxr-x  1 root  wheel       13 Nov 25 10:28 libz.so.1 -> libz.so.1.0.2
> -r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   139181 Nov 25 10:28 libz.so.1.0.2
> but what is weird is that those old libs are dated as of today.
> Furthermoe, on my system shared libraries are handled by ELF

It may be that your packaging system names libraries differently. I.e.
just increments the number, rather than reflecting the actual software
version number.



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