I am new to this malware work with Linux and have been lurking on thiss list trying to learn how to work with clam. I also know that clamav is for viruses and not web filtering. But I am seeking info here from anyone who might direct me to a web malware subscription or open source database.
My customer, a very large and security aware enterprise, has asked me to do a cost benefit of running a commercial web filtering software package or running a Linux cluster with a signature filtering engine. This customer is willing to migrate to Linux from a Solaris and Windows DMZ mix if I can get a viable solution. So the question to anyone who might direct me on the list: is there a subscription or an info source where we can grab malware signatures that traverse in http (443, 80, 8080, 8000)? We can spend for an SSL/TLS stateful proxy with crypto accelerator and maintain state with the proxy bidirectionally. We can do the scripting. Does anyone know where we can locate the content for the signatures? melissa _______________________________________________ http://lists.clamav.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/clamav-users