On Wed, 24 Nov 2004, Todd Lyons wrote:
Ing. Mónico Briseño C. wanted us to know:

Add the following line with the command Cron
43 2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22 * * * root /root/updateclam

You can change the long list to */2 and get the same thing.

On linux, yes. But not all implementations of cron support that, so be careful and check your local manpages.

Damian Menscher
-=#| Physics Grad Student & SysAdmin @ U Illinois Urbana-Champaign |#=-
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-=#| 4602 Beckman, VMIL/MS, Imaging Technology Group:(217)244-3074 |#=-
-=#| <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> www.uiuc.edu/~menscher/ Fax:(217)333-9819 |#=-
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