Bart Silverstrim wrote:
I find it interesting though that I've yet to hear from anyone commenting on my proposal to create a filter that will extract and convert all emails into pure text, or reformat it so only certain things can get through as an attachment with a pure text message so it would be "defanged" of scripts, web content, potential scripting exploits, etc...I'm honestly beginning to wonder how hard that would be to make and whether it may be of use for some sites. Draconian, yet it would be extremely handy in stopping the maliciousness of viruses or spam tricks...dynamically rewriting all email to a "standard" format.

Anyone? Does this already exist? A prefilter thing...not halfway to the task, like using MIMEDefang, but a whole "here's the email stripped of HTML and in a standard format for the mail system" type filter...

I was listening ;^) and I like the idea. I am highly in favor of all ascii email, not even attachments. The enormous amount of bandwidth I could regain would be a money saver.

I would have to look, but given the amount of customization I've been able to do already I would think MailScanner could do this, if not get darn close to it.


Systems Administrator
Get rid of Unwanted Emails...get TLS Spam Blocker!


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