Nigel Horne wanted us to know:

>On Monday 15 Nov 2004 13:49, Nigel Horne wrote:
>> FC3 ships with 1.2.1, and RH have yet to issue an update...
>Mind you, they don't include clam in their distro either, which is surprising.

I thought that Fedora was aimed for the desktop more than the server,
and why would you want a virus scanner for a linux desktop?  I thought
iw as omitted by design.  But maybe I'm just rationalizing an oversight
on their part, not sure.
Regards...              Todd
OS X: We've been fighting the "It's a mac" syndrome with upper management
for  years  now.  Lately  we've  taken  to  just  referring  to  new  mac 
installations  as  "Unix"  installations  when  presenting proposals  and 
updates.  For some reason, they have no problem with that.          -- /.
Linux kernel   2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.05, 0.07

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