Correct - That was before I updated. I was simply showing that the proxy updates were working
at that time. However, not that I've updated I get the error listed above;
ERROR: Can't query
OK, what do you get when you issue freshclam -v? This is mine, note that I use a proxy too.
# freshclam -v
Current working dir is /usr/local/share/clamav
Max retries == 3
ClamAV update process started at Thu Nov 11 14:09:46 2004
TTL: 900
main.cvd version from DNS: 27
Software version from DNS: 0.80
Connecting via
main.cvd is up to date (version: 27, sigs: 23982, f-level: 2, builder: tomek)
TTL: 900
daily.cvd version from DNS: 585
Connecting via
daily.cvd is up to date (version: 585, sigs: 2485, f-level: 3, builder: trog)
Freeing option list...done
-- /Peter Bonivart
--Unix lovers do it in the Sun _______________________________________________