I have just upgraded to clamav-milter_0.80-5 on my Debian Woody system. 
When I run
"/etc/init.d/clamav-milter stop" it hangs.  When I do a "ps ax" it says
"sleep 0.1".  Looks as if the offending line something like this:

    if [ -n "$PID" ]; then
      start-stop-daemon -q -K -o -p $PIDFILE $DAEMON
      while [ -d /proc/"$PID" ]; do sleep 0.1; done

I think that /proc/"$PID" isn't going away and its staying in the loop

I had a similar problem with the last debian release:  "start-stop-daemon"
wasn't killing the process.

I've had to go back to the old hack of killing "daemon" and all instances of

Has anybody had similar problems?  Any fixes?


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