On Mon, 8 Nov 2004, Jason Frisvold wrote:
> Looks like something is stripping the virus out before it ever hit
> clamav..  However, I did get a copy with the virus in it, and clamscan
> doesn't detect it...  I'm not sure why though ...
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] cur]# clamscan --mail 
> 1099939661.22577.jake.emcyber.com\,S\=1306\:2\,S
> 1099939661.22577.jake.emcyber.com,S=1306:2,S: OK

This is a long-shot, but there are lots of shell-special characters in
your filename.  Rename it to foo and see what happens.  If it works named
foo then we have bigger problems afoot.

Eric Wheeler
Vice President
National Security Concepts, Inc.
PO Box 3567
Tualatin, OR 97062

Voice: (503) 293-7656
Fax:   (503) 885-0770


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