> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Andy Fiddaman
> Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 6:49 AM
> On Wed, 3 Nov 2004, Jason Haar wrote:
> ; Hi there
> ;
> ; I think the TCP option needs some more explicit documentation, as I have
> ; begun seeing RPMs of clamav where the Socket option is
> *disabled* and the
> ; TCP option is *enabled* as the defaults.
> ;
> ; As far as I'm aware, that is *not* a good idea. Not only are there now
> ; network security issues you should attend to, but the TCP
> option IS ALWAYS
> ; SLOWER THAN THE SOCKET MODE (please tell me if I am wrong).
> From what I can
> ; gather, clamdscan has to pipe the entire file/directory to
> clamd over TCP -
> ; whereas it only has to tell clamd where the file/dir is over Sockets.
> What we're talking about here in just the control connection
> between clamdscan
> and clamd.  There is actually no functional difference between
> the two modes;
> clamdscan can instruct clamd to scan a named file/directory OR
> ask it to open a
> TCP port over which to accept a file with both control socket options.
> There is a slight speed difference in communicating over a unix
> domain socket
> rather than inet domain but, for the amount of data that's actually
> communicated over this, it's extremely slight and insignificant
> against the
> greater overhead of actually doing the scan.
> However, I agree with you from the security point - I'd rather that no
> TCP ports were opened by default by installing the RPM.

I agree... having clamd listening over TCP *with no restriction over the
network* is vulnerable to DoS attack as _any_ client could inject a lot of
scanning on the server. Even more if it is a home user PC that connects
directly to the internet...

- SamSam


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