On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 14:20, Jim Maul wrote:
> Trog wrote:
> > On Tue, 2004-10-26 at 03:45, Eric Worthy wrote:
> >  
> >>This is a vanilla install off qmailrocks.org site.
> > 
> > 
> > This may be your problem. I seem to remember they are guilty of doing
> > very bad things to the clamav install, like linking clamdscan to
> > clamscan.
> > 
> the QMR install doesnt really do very bad things.  It clearly explains 
> why it does what it does and that for high volume servers you may not 
> want to follow the directions entirely.  Yes, it links clamdscan to 
> clamscan so you are ALWAYS calling clamscan once per message.  On a high 
> volume server this isnt ideal.  I would undo this linking, start clamd 
> and run the real clamdscan as opposed to the linked one.  Your 
> performance should get noticeably better.

So, I was correct, QMR completely screws up the ClamAV installation for
no reason other than ignorance and gross stupidity.

It also tells it's misguided users to run freshclam on-the-hour. Another
bad decision.

So, don't follow anything they say about installing ClamAV, and you'll
be ok.


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