Thanks. That's exactly what I did. When I try to stop clamav-milter in supervised mode, clamav-milter remains in memory. When I try to restart it I get the following:
Oct 24 14:19:14 debian clamav-milter: clamav-milter: fatal: failed to become a daemon: Resource temporarily unavailable. I had a similar problem with another distro and fixed it by killing each instance of clamav-milter (using kill xxx) when I stopped it. I think it might be necessary to do this. Here's what works in gentoo: stop() { ebegin "Stopping clamav-milter (supervised)" for i in `cat /var/run/clamd/; pgrep -u clamav clamav-milter` do kill $i done # start-stop-daemon --oknodo -K -q -p /var/run/clamd/ eend $? "Failed to stop clamav-milter (supervised)" } "Stephen Gran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] > _______________________________________________ > > _______________________________________________