Steffen Heil wrote:

> I cannot prevent such things. I have no way to tell my customers: "you
> may not send each other executables or html-files with frames." They
> would go somewhere else immediately.

 Just shifted the reply to this thread, Steffen. The iframe exploit, you
are already discriminating against, as it is in the Clam database as:


 I never meant to imply that you use draconian methods on any broad areas
of email communication, but as you can see from the above, there are
specific portions of a laden email which can only point to one designated

 I disagree, however, with ISP's or companies who use lax restrictions on
email content, just to keep customers or staff happy. At the end of the
day, maintaining a proper, healthy, and most of all, sociable system takes
precedence over peoples whims. It is the same in any business. You do your
best to meet your customers needs, but you never allow customers to
dictate poor practice.

 If you generalise areas, then you are theoretically arguing against AV
interception altogether. The 'html-files with frames' bit above is
generalising. A specific combination is what you protect against, not a
general range.

> For the same reason, excessive header line lengths need to work.

 Long header lines are fine, but when they are above the maximum laid down
in the RFC's? Why should someone send an email which violates the specs,
and expect for it to be accepted without further ado?

 With regards to greylisting and SAV, and other such components, they
are purely a business or preference decision. They do work, but at an
offset cost. They are an extra line of defence, they are not compulsory.

All the best,


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