Dave Filchak said:
> Can someone save me from either my own stupidity or my insanity? I have
> downloaded the latest release candidate of ClamAV and then tried to
> extract
> the archive and nothing I do is working. Here is what I have been trying:
> zcat clamav-0.80rc2.tar.gz | tar xvf -
> And here is the response I get:
> zcat: clamav-0.80rc2.tar.gz: not in gzip format
> In fact, no permutation of tar or gunzip seems to work for me. Any help
> for
> this brain of mine?
> Dave

Assuming that there were not download problems...


$> file clamav-0.80rc2.tar.gz

and chances are beyond belief it will report it is a tar file. Or just run

$> tar xvf clamav-0.80rc2.tar.gz and see if it explodes.

My bet is it will. Browsers/webservers are notorious for uncompressing
files on the fly without renaming them.


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