agenteo wrote:

I've installed the clamav (clamav clamav-base clamav-deamon
clamav-freshclean alibclamav1) debian packages taken from
At the end of the installation/configuration I've tried as root #clamd PING in the document I've read the clamav deamon should answer with
something, that didn't come back. Instead of that, I've found in the log
ERROR: Socket file /var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl is in use by another
From ps aux | grep clam I've got this:
clamav     640  0.0  0.1  2036  984 ?        S    15:35   0:00
/usr/bin/freshclam -d --quiet -p /var/run/clamav/
clamav     694  0.0  3.0 16824 15836 ?       S    15:35   0:00
clamav     697  0.0  3.0 16824 15836 ?       S    15:36   0:00

You tried to use the server binary as a client. "Socket file in use" tells you that clamd is really running, as tells you the ps output.

Anyone knows what does this situation means? Is the antivirus working?

RTFM (in /usr/share/clamav or on And install the package "clamav-testfiles", you can use clamscna and/or clamdscan to test if your installation was successful.

Thanks in advance,


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