On Sep 14, 2004, at 03:38, Trog wrote:
On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 06:30, Meni Shapiro wrote:
Clamd works great for lots of people, but some have reported memory leaks on latest stable (0.75.1), which could cause your system to be "out of memory".
A few people (out of the thousands who run ClamAV) have reported "memory
leaks" in stable versions of clamd.
However, none of those people have submitted a report from a memory debugging tool to show where the leak occurs on their systems, despite being asked to by the development team. None of the development team have seen such a leak.
Until one of the people complaining produces a useful report, nothing can be done. It is just as likely a leak in a system library than in clamd.
Would you consider the following a sign of a memory leak?
ID name user cpu threads real mem virtual mem
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------
1899 freshclam clamav 0.00 1 316.00 KB 27.12 MB
1 hour later
1899 freshclam clamav 0.00 1 316.00 KB 27.12 MB
1901 clamd clamav 0.00 2 19.28 MB 40.37 MB
1 hour later
1901 clamd clamav 0.00 1 19.28 MB 39.86 MB
Other than using memory it doesn't appear to be leaking, this is after 91 hours of uptime and the values have barely changed and if it should every crash, a full memory report will be forwarded for examination cause the report is automatically generated by crashreporter.
I suspect if you are experiencing a memory leak it is probably System Library related since I can watch an app to see what grows and this one seems fairly stable in that respect.
-- Dale
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