I'll soon have to advise an antivirus to a customer for an internal web-based file exchange platform. I'd like to push clamav because I think it's the best solution for them minor one problem I have to solve.
The intra network infrastructure is quite restrictive (security guys there use the "hammer to smash flies" way of doing things) the network the AV would be installed on will have zero-access allowed to the outside (no HTTP, DNS and so on). The only thing allowed is to push content from the outside, so it would be allowed to put clamav sigs on a local mirror by pushing them from another network with access to http proxies which will have accesss to the Internet themselves. Then we could setup freshclam to fetch updates from this local mirror.
IIRC future freshclam will use DNS to fetch the latest sig version but will fall back to HTTP HEAD requests if DNS doesn't work. Am I right ?
If not, as public DNS isn't allowed, I'll have to hack around more... :-(
-- Lionel Bouton - inet6 --------------------------------------------------------------------- o Siege social: 51, rue de Verdun - 92158 Suresnes / _ __ _ Acces Bureaux: 33 rue Benoit Malon - 92150 Suresnes / /\ /_ / /_ France \/ \/_ / /_/ Tel. +33 (0) 1 41 44 85 36 Inetsys S.A. Fax +33 (0) 1 46 97 20 10
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