
Would it be possible to post on the website of clamav a subpage with a graphic representation of the folowing data.

time  amount of freshclamupdates
0      *****
1      ***
2      *****
3      *
5      ****
59    *****

So everybody could check to see which times on the hour (for all the cron-users) would be "nice" to run freshclam on.
In this example 4 minutes past the hour is a nice time.

I'm updating on 22 past the hour but maybe there are a lot of people updating at random on this time.

I would love to donate 1 to 2 GB bandwidth/month on a 10mbit connection. Thats all I could donate.
So if there is in the future a new way to donate a fixed amount of bandwidth .....

With kind regards and keep up the good work,

Met vriendelijke groet,

Maurice Lucas

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