
I've got clamav running as a cron job daily to check for virus definition updates, but for about the last week or two there hasn't been any. Is this possibly due to a new version? Is there some other reason that this would be happening?

I know it isn't a router issue, all the ports are open and it was working before.

My error messages follow:

Current working dir is /var/clamav
Checking for a new database - started at Sun Sep  5 04:02:06 2004
Connected to clamav.elektrapro.com.
Reading md5 sum (viruses.md5): ERROR: md5 sum not found on remote server
ERROR: Can't get viruses.md5 sum from clamav.elektrapro.com
Checking for a new database - started at Sun Sep  5 04:02:15 2004
Connected to clamav.ozforces.com.
Reading md5 sum (viruses.md5): ERROR: md5 sum not found on remote server
ERROR: Can't get viruses.md5 sum from clamav.ozforces.com
Checking for a new database - started at Sun Sep  5 04:02:26 2004
Connected to clamav.essentkabel.com.
Reading md5 sum (viruses.md5): ERROR: md5 sum not found on remote server
ERROR: Can't get viruses.md5 sum from clamav.essentkabel.com
Checking for a new database - started at Sun Sep  5 04:02:35 2004
Connected to clamav.linux-sxs.org.
Reading md5 sum (viruses.md5): ERROR: md5 sum not found on remote server
ERROR: Can't get viruses.md5 sum from clamav.linux-sxs.org

Any ideas? TIA

Thank You,

Tim de Vries

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