
Few days ago, I got several mail with picture attachment (Life.jpg,
p0rn, same picture in all mail), and another file (The_movie_3zip.z,
which was unfortunately removed by another antivirus that my company
runs beacuse it was "of type DOS EXE"). Seems like Bagle or
Netsky-type virus.

I don't have access to the orginal mail (with complete attachment
intact), but the fact that I get that email at all means that ClamAV
did not detect it as virus. I don't get it it anymore now.

Has anybody got it yet? Is it really a virus? Has ClamAV db detect it now?
I seem to remember there was a virus that sent fake "Scanned by
<put-commercial-av-vendor-here>" mails, complete with their logo.
Seems like virus-makers decide that p0rn picture will be more
attarctive to get people to actually click the attachment :)



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