Winzip reports the AVERAGE and clam uses the PEAK value... try bumping up the value to two or three times that amount:
ArchiveMaxCompressionRatio from 1000
to test this... the culprit could be an ascii file with a lot of white space that is hugely compressible.
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Laura Penhallow
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 2:55 PM
Subject: [Clamav-users] OverSize.Zip file

I apologize in advance if this is something easy, but I am at my wits end.  We have a customer that needs to receive rather large zip files from a client of theirs. 
Trouble is -- clam keeps classifying the attachment as an OverSized.Zip virus and rejects it.
The zip file is ~8.7 mb contains 1506 files and winzip reports 78 % compression.
We're running Clam v 0.74
I have been googling and reading other posts and I have made the following changes to clamav.conf
Changed --  ArchiveMaxFileSize from 10M to 20M
Changed -- ArchiveMaxFiles from 1000 to 2000
Changed -- ArchiveMaxCompressionRatio from 200 to 300
Still no luck.  Is there something I am missing??
thanks in advance

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