Robert Blayzor wanted us to know: >[foo:/usr/local/share/clamav] sigtool -i daily.cvd >Version: 459 >I'm really interested in just getting Version #'s from within a PERL >script. Anyone know how I can accomplish this natively without having >to rely on system calling sigtool externally?
Well by running strings, I see this: smtp1 clamav # strings daily.cvd | head -1 ClamAV-VDB:17 Aug 2004 14-49 +0100:459:1653:2:56716b5ea7fb38e049ba3f3657e5ab35:sBj2SGZrCm7xW+p67J+n7mbTJqxpgwtoYgGjM0bwhyAooG5yLOXE8aqH7aLfGl25hR6vvPdENjr0Nm5qDWm3/46P6SAnxKSgSqZg4d2W5/iItqm24CbRbqavOMJkvggXP9pucFEt3hwxdPTOrnH6oKVYwb7rXk0EekRFl30O8Jd:trog So I would think that some sort of string search for ClamAV-VDB would put you in the right spot to find the version number (in between : marks after the +0100 timestamp). -- Regards... Todd We should not be building surveillance technology into standards. Law enforcement was not supposed to be easy. Where it is easy, it's called a police state. -- Jeff Schiller on NANOG Linux kernel 2.6.3-15mdkenterprise 2 users, load average: 0.14, 0.07, 0.02 ------------------------------------------------------- SF.Net email is sponsored by price on Blank Media 100pk Sonic DVD-R 4x for only $29 -100pk Sonic DVD+R for only $33 Save 50% off Retail on Ink & Toner - Free Shipping and Free Gift. _______________________________________________ Clamav-users mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]