On Sat, Aug 14, 2004 at 01:07:06PM +0700, Fajar Nugraha wrote:
> How about incremental updates? Can it possibly make way to 
> next freshclam versions too?

Too true. Some commercial AVs separate "patterns" into a library (large)
plus incremental files (small). 

Typically the next "library" release contains the previous incremental
patterns, and the actual incremental files are deleted - stopping crustiness
from developing...

daily.cvd is 160K at the moment, and will be totally re-downloaded the next
time it's updated. However, this fiddling around trying to remember which
old one-off pattern files can now be deleted/ignored does add complexity -
something "daily.cvd" doesn't have to worry about...

I suspect the digital signing of those files might be screwing up
alternative options on this? After all, you don't want to be checking sigs
on 12 files before actually being able to start doing AV! Perhaps a
different way could be brought into play...

Can the digital sig be separated from the daily file, and have the current
CVD file changed into a better format that rsync could do a good job of
incrementing/appended it? That way an update would in effect be appending
some lines to the "daily.RAW" file, plus downloading the new (tiny) digital
signature of that file?

Just a thought


Jason Haar
Information Security Manager, Trimble Navigation Ltd.
Phone: +64 3 9635 377 Fax: +64 3 9635 417
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