* On 2004.08.12, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
*       "Randall Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm still having trouble trying to find info on using milter, clamav with
> OSX.
> I assume I need to compile clamav-milter, but in the INSTALL notes all is
> says about OSX is this:
> Sendmail on MacOS/X (10.1) is provided without a development package so this
> can't be run "out of the box"

This is a little misleading, I think. Most brands of Unix don't have the
components you need to compile ClamAV "out of the box". The only ones I
would expect to have them readily available are the various free (Linux,
BSD) distributions. In other words, MacOS X is nothing special in this
regard; it's just like (almost?) any other commercial Unix.

You need to obtain a sendmail distribution from sendmail.org. Configure
it and compile it with milter support, and install this somewhere
on your system -- preferably not in /usr, but rather /usr/local
or someplace else. (You don't want to risk having your sendmail
installation overwritten by an Apple updater, should they decide on
switching back to sendmail.)

You might need to do the installation by hand. Make sure that
libmilter.* and its header files (include/libmilter/*.h) are installed.
For example, if installing under /usr/local, you'd want to see these

        /usr/local/lib/libmilter.dylib [or libmilter.something.dylib]

Then return to clamav, and configure it with --enable-milter.

 -D.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               NSIT::ENSS
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