Not sure if I'm reinventing the wheel but I wrote a perl script that
will report on:

1: Unique virus's and the total times they were seen.
2: Hosts by IP address who sent over 10 virus's.
3: Per host breakdown of which virus's were sent along with the count.
4: Per host breakdown of which recipients were sent virus's along with
the count.
5: Per host breakdown of which senders were sent virus's along with the


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Released under the GPL
# Populate a complex data structure with message id's, ip address's, and virus names.
# Count the number of times a virus was sent in descending order
# Count the number of times an IP address sent a virus in descending order
# Count the number of recipient  address's on a per IP basis in descending order
# Count the number of possibly spoofed address's on a per IP basis in descending order

print "Shows a count of each virus type:\n";

open(FILE, "/var/log/maillog");
while(<FILE>) {

if (/(\d|\D)+sendmail\[(\d)+\]:\s((\w)+):(\d|\D)+\[(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\]/) {
	$ip_addr = $6;
	$message_id = $3;
		unless ( $ip_addr eq "" ) {
			$email->{$message_id}->{ip_addr} = $ip_addr;

	elsif (/(\d|\D)+clamav-milter\[(\d)+\]:\s((\w)+):\sstream:\s(\d|\D+)\svirus from \<((\d|\D)+)\> to \<((\d|\D)+)\>/) {
        $message_id = $3;
	$virus = $5;
	$sender = $6;
	$recipient = $8;
			$email->{$message_id}->{virus} = $virus;
			$email->{$message_id}->{sender} = $sender;
			$email->{$message_id}->{recipient} = $recipient;

foreach $message_id ( keys  %{ $email } ) {
		if ( $email->{$message_id}->{virus} ) {
		$virus = $email->{$message_id}->{virus};
		$ip_addr = $email->{$message_id}->{ip_addr};
		$recipient = $email->{$message_id}->{recipient};
		$sender = $email->{$message_id}->{sender};
		#Counts total number of times a virus was sent
		#Counts total number of virus's sent by IP address
		#Counts total number of unique virus's per IP address
		#Counts total number of unique senders per IP address
		#Counts total number of unique recipients per IP address
sub hashValueDescendingVirus {
   $email->{$ip_addr}->{virus}->{$b} <=> $email->{$ip_addr}->{virus}->{$a};

sub hashValueDescendingRecipient {
   $email->{$ip_addr}->{recipient}->{$b} <=> $email->{$ip_addr}->{recipient}->{$a};

sub hashValueDescendingSender {
   $email->{$ip_addr}->{sender}->{$b} <=> $email->{$ip_addr}->{sender}->{$a};

sub hashValueDescendingNum {
   $ip_addr{$b} <=> $ip_addr{$a};

sub hashValueDescendingIp {
   $virus{$b} <=> $virus{$a};

foreach $virus (sort hashValueDescendingNum (keys(%ip_addr))) {
		print "Count is $ip_addr{$virus} for $virus\n";

print "\nShows uniques hosts with a virus count over 10:\n";

foreach $ip_addr (sort hashValueDescendingIp (keys(%virus))) {
	if ($virus{"$ip_addr"} >= "10") {

		print "\n$ip_addr sent the following virus's a total of $virus{$ip_addr} times: \n";
		foreach $Virus (sort hashValueDescendingVirus (keys( %{ $email->{$ip_addr}->{virus} } ))) {
			print "$Virus was transmitted $email->{$ip_addr}->{virus}->{$Virus} times.\n";

		print "\n";

		foreach $Recipient (sort hashValueDescendingRecipient (keys( %{ $email->{$ip_addr}->{recipient} } ))) {
			print "Stopped virus for $Recipient $email->{$ip_addr}->{recipient}->{$Recipient} times.\n";
		print "\n";

		#Uncomment if you want to the Sender reporting for a specific host.
		#if ($ip_addr eq "") {		
			foreach $Sender (sort hashValueDescendingSender (keys( %{ $email->{$ip_addr}->{sender} } ))) {
				print "Possibly spoofed address $Sender was seen $email->{$ip_addr}->{sender}->{$Sender} times.\n";

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