On Wed, 11 Aug 2004, Silly Billy wrote:

> while executing this command to configure Clamav ...
> perl -pi -e "s/^LocalSocket /tmp/clamd/LocalSocket
> /var/run/clamav/clamd/g" /etc/clamav.conf
> an error appear as mentioned below ...
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] test]# perl -pi -e "s/^LocalSocket
> /tmp/clamd/LocalSocket /var/run/c
> lamav/clamd/g" /etc/clamav.conf
> Bareword found where operator expected at -e line 1,
> near "s/^LocalSocket /tmp/c
> lamd"
> syntax error at -e line 1, near "s/^LocalSocket
> /tmp/clamd"
> Execution of -e aborted due to compilation errors
> Could anyone help me to sort out this error ??

You're doing a search-and-replace.  The way that works is it takes the
first character after the / and uses it as the delimiter for what to
search for vs what to replace it with.  Since you have lots of /es in
your pathnames, you're totally confusing it.  Try the command:

perl -pi -e "s!^LocalSocket /tmp/clamd!LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd!" 

Here I'm just using ! instead of / as the delimiter.

As a side note, when trying to be completely general, I often use ^G as
my delimiter.  Never seen a config file with one of those!  ;)

Damian Menscher [doesn't know perl, but knows sed....]
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