On Thursday 05 August 2004 08:33 pm, Damian Menscher wrote:
> Personally I think this is an excellent place for bug reports, and they
> are pretty much the only reason I read the list.  It's important for
> users to know the limitations of software they use (especially when the
> different versions have stability issues).  Helping others is just my
> form of payment for the stability information I get.
> Damian Menscher

I'd have to agree with that. I like to hear about what people find. Many times 
it saves me a lot of frustration. I should think in-depth discussion of the 
bug and the fix (in terms of code), etc., isn't appropriate here, though. 
That's what a -devel list is for.

Seems like the best thing to do is make sure you CC potential bug reports to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], since I've interpreted the main point of that address to be 
getting the report to the developers ASAP and without them having to stumble 
across it in the list.
Systems Administrator
Local Access Communications

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