thanks for the reply, isn't this the current release?
freshclam daemon 0.74 (OS: darwin7.4.0, ARCH: ppc, CPU: powerpc)
clam daemon 0.74 (OS: darwin7.4.0, ARCH: ppc, CPU: powerpc)

this started happening with version 0.70, that's why i trashed it and installed 0.74. in clamav 0.70, i first noticed
freshclam getting updated, 22623 viruses, than 4 hours later it would go back to 22654, then back again next cycle.
that's when i noticed clamav always being behind by 1. i ran make uninstall, deleted everything under /usr/local/etc, /usr/local/bin, and /usr/local/share, then a clean install of clamav 0.74, this was friday... i don't see a newer version available. can someone help?

charles x. morrissey [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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