On Tue, 13 Jul 2004 11:19:19 -0500, "James Nelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I previously read there was a similar problem with clamav-milter but it was
>fixed.  Is this possibly its return?  Or could something else be causing it?

Check the name(s) of the sock file defined (1) in the milter definition in
sendmail.mc and (2) on the clamav-milter command line.  (You can find the
latter in /etc/sysconfig/clamav-milter and by looking at "ps aux | grep

If they are different, make them the same!  If the same, make sure that the
file is being created when clamav-milter starts.

Also, make sure they're someplace where the owner of the clamav-milter process
(usually "clamav") has RW privs.  I put mine in /var/run/clamav

$ ll /var/run/clamav
total 4
srwx------  1 clamav clamav 0 Jul  2 16:02 clamav-milter.sock
-rw-rw----  1 clamav clamav 4 Jul  2 16:02 clamd.pid
srwxrwxrwx  1 clamav clamav 0 Jul  2 16:02 clamd.sock

$ ll -d /var/run/clamav
drwxr-xr-x  2 clamav clamav 4096 Jul  2 16:02 /var/run/clamav


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