hi all
I'm trying to get clamav(v0.73) with an older version of qmail-scanner(v1.14) to work but am having problems getting QS to recognize clamav.
I've successfully install clamav and can manually scan files, no issues
I've added .. my $clamscan_binary='/usr/local/bin/clamdscan';
to my /var/qmail/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl
when i do a qmail-scanner-queue -v, i see.... Scanners: perlscanner, uvscan_scanner, spamassassin
i can't see clamav...
I've also done a "/var/qmail/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl -z"
nothing i do seems to make QS recognize clamav...
no need for me to say so but i don't see any logging in syslog or clamav.log re any issues with clamav... obviously not since QS is not using it
can anyone offer any advise ?
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