Since 2-3 days our mail server is getting hit by several rassistic e-mails,
all written in German. First, I thought it is a spam case, but after reading
some of those offending e-mails, I understood that they were coming from the
Sober author (he left some personal comments at the end).

But because there were no attachments or any other harmful methods included
(unless you find rassistic content harmful), I didn't react and decided to
stay calm.

Now I read a news article on, that F-Secure calls those e-mails
under the name of Sober.H. I would like that ClamAV could also add those
signatures to the database, as there seem to be a lot of victims out there
being infected by Sober.G, which can reload all kind of executable to do
with the victim whatever he wants... Now it looks like the Sober author is
kind of rassist and I do not tolerate that.

Link to the article (written in German):

What can I do to help you stop this kind of e-mails? Or is your policy to
not do anything against this, since it's not really harmful (means no direct
virus or worm)?

Keep up your great work, I really love ClamAV :) ...


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Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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