No one responded to my previous post (probably lost under the original thread), so I'll give it a new thread.
Running freshclam from clamav-0.72 through an authenticated firewall no longer works (worked fine in 0.71). I can't see anything in the freshclam source that could have caused this, so maybe it's a reaction to some other change.
freshclam daemon started (pid=29313) ClamAV update process started at Mon Jun 7 11:02:11 2004 ERROR: Malformed CVD header detected. ERROR: Can't read main.cvd header from database.clamav.net (
I'm using the following in /usr/local/etc/freshclam.conf with real data replaced with sssss, uuuuu, ppppp
# Proxy settings HTTPProxyServer sssss HTTPProxyPort 3128 HTTPProxyUsername uuuuu HTTPProxyPassword ppppp
Another system with no authentication on the proxy, works fine with HTTPProxyUsername and HTTPProxyPassword commented out, but it also shows the above error if I uncomment those lines.
Cheers Bill