I have updated to ClamAV 0.71 and am running CGPAV 1.3b on OS X 10.3.3 I forgot to uninstall the old ClamAV before installing the new one... However, when the mail server now gets messages, I get the following log information:

17:29:16.92 2 QUEUE([460002]) from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 1459 bytes (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)
17:29:16.92 2 ENQUEUERRULES [460002] rule(ClamAV) action #0: added header 'X-VirusScan-2: SUBMITTED'
17:29:16.92 4 EXTFILTER(cgpav) out(9): 1 INTF 3\n
17:29:16.92 4 EXTFILTER(cgpav) inp(8): 1 INTF 2
17:29:16.92 2 EXTFILTER(cgpav) interfaceLevel = 2
17:29:16.92 4 EXTFILTER(cgpav) out(24): 2 FILE Queue/460002.msg\n
17:29:16.95 4 EXTFILTER(cgpav) inp(67): 2 REJECTED "No connection to the Antiviral filter. Will try later."
17:29:16.95 3 EXTFILTER(cgpav) license limit: REJECTED "No connection to the Antiviral filter. Will try later."

and the mail stays in the que until I shut down the CGPAV helper script. This may be more of a question to CGPAV but there is no mail list for them. I have made no other configuration changes to the server other than upgrading CGPAV and ClamAV and running the installers (following the same configurations I did the first time at: http://www.spiffin.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=33)

If I test clamscan against a folder I know has virus files in it, it does correctly find them.

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