
I got lots of shuch mesages in log:
Jun  1 15:04:02 spamd clamav-milter[885]: Access Denied: Host Unknown 

Im using:
Jun  1 15:12:37 spamd clamav-milter[15432]: clamd / ClamAV version 0.71, clamav-milter 
version 0.71

This happened after we moved relay to other address (with DNS records updeted...).

I found that calav-milter fails on :
        clamav-milter.c: 1773: if((hp = gethostbyname(hostmail)) == NULL)

where hostmail is {if_name} from sendmail, well, i checked sendmail's if_name, by 
editing O SmtpGreetingMessage= i added ${if_name} at the end of old Greeting Msg. So 
then telnet relay 25, gives me correct hostname at the end greeting msg.
Now im triyng to find what's wrong, temporary workaround: milter rebuilded 
--without-tcpwrappers, and it works.
Any ideas ?


ps. sorry for my english.
 Alex V. Kovirshin <alexk at ss dot rgs dot ru>

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