It seems that one of the changes from .70 to .71 is that the files in the
quarantine directory are now stored in subdirectories based on the date.  Have
there been any changes in how long these files are kept before deletion?  Are
the subdirectories deleted along with the files?

# ll /var/spool/clamav
total 140
drwx------  2 clamav clamav  4096 May 20 23:58 040520
drwx------  2 clamav clamav  4096 May 21 23:57 040521
drwx------  2 clamav clamav  4096 May 22 23:54 040522
drwx------  2 clamav clamav  4096 May 23 23:56 040523
drwx------  2 clamav clamav  4096 May 24 23:55 040524
drwx------  2 clamav clamav  4096 May 25 08:29 040525
-rw-------  1 clamav clamav 41672 May 19 13:50 msg.4jsNmZ
-rw-------  1 clamav clamav 24708 May 17 07:53 msg.bdmdPZ
-rw-------  1 clamav clamav 42433 May 18 08:53 msg.h3mU32


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