> >> I've been trying to get clamav installed for a while now. I've been
> having
> >> trouble with clamd. It is installed and running, but clamdscan fails. I
> was
> >> not getting logging until recently. I just got the logging working and
> >> now getting:
> >> @4000000040b2314c215aac64 ERROR: Can't open /dev/stderr in append mode.
> >> @4000000040b2314d23a6afa4 ERROR: Problem with internal logger. Please
> >> the permissions on the /dev/stderr file.

>Well, what are the permissions, and what user is clamav running as (i.e.,
>does that user have r/w perms on /dev/stderr)?

clamd running as gqscanq. /dev/stderr is lrwxrwxrwx.


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