Sean Matheson said:
> Hey All;
> First off a big thanks to the developers for bring out the latest
> version of clamav.  It has resolved the issue with freshclam and RH7.
> It couldn't have come at a better time for me!
> I am about to impliment clamav with qmail-scanner in order to scan all
> incoming and outgoing mails.  I have already set it up with
> qmail-scanner and it works great.  But qmail-scanner use's clamscan, and
> it basically starts up a new process every time a mail gets sent or
> recieved.  Is there perhaps a more effiecient way to san my incoming and
> outgoing qmail mail using clamd for instance?
> Thank you for any and all help!
> --
> Sean Matheson
> Student Programmer

With Qmail I don't know...

But you can use clamd through the Milter API. But I don't thing Qmail
supports that API.

But good ways to use clamd is:
Sendmail -> clamav-milter -> clamd
Sendmail -> smtp-vilter -> clamd

Where clamav-milter and smtp-vilter use the Milter API with sendmail over
unix or ipv4 sockets. With this approach the scanning can if needed take
place on another server as well.

When the mail is ripped up in pieces and unpacked there is not much extra
load to check more things.  The smtp-vilter connector can for example with
sendmail use Symantec SavSE, ClamAV:s clamd and Spam Assassin spamd. At
the same time....


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